The past couple of years have brought about a variety of shifts and obstacles in everyone’s lives, and our animals have stood by our sides through the entirety of this roller coaster ride. The majority of our animals have embraced our remote working habits, which include regular bouts of anxiety snacking and extended periods spent bargain hunting (particularly when the delivery man knocks on the door). Have you previously given any thought to the effect that these abrupt shifts are having on the psychological and emotional well-being of the pets you’re concerned about?

Both dogs and cats are susceptible to even the slightest adjustments in our emotional responses. While some animals are capable of adapting easily and taking on new challenges with ease, the majority of pets do best with a consistent routine and require some time to become accustomed to novel circumstances. This is how you can be of assistance to them.

Indications That Your Animals Might Not Adapt Well to New Situations

  • The digestive systems of animals are the first organs to show signs of distress when they are under emotional duress.
  • Diarrhea
  • a lack of appetite accompanied by vomiting

These behaviors may point to the fact that your animal is sensing your nervousness and reacting to signs of stress in the environment. Symptoms of stress in a dog can include trembling, panting, and changes in behavior (such as spending a lot of time sleeping or lying in a doorway while remaining vigilant). This is especially true if your dog typically acts in a reverse manner when stressed. When threatened, cats may flee and disappear, or they may compulsively groom themselves. Keep an eye out for anything that isn’t typical. If you can recognize the signs that your pet is experiencing stress, the following actions can be taken to help them:

Utilize Some Toys to Chew on

Chewing is a soothing activity for dogs because of its rhythmic motion, which also has the added benefit of reducing anxiety. Dogs may bite down on flip-flops, game controllers, and other items that they aren’t supposed to chew when you aren’t there to comfort them and they are experiencing anxiety as a result of your absence.

They are not being mischievous; they are simply stressed out. If you notice that your puppy is becoming anxious, giving him something to chew on will help him relax and unwind. Even better, have him use a dental chew stick to clean his teeth while he’s chewing on the stick. Natural treats are not only extremely effective but are also beneficial to the health of your pet. When they’re feeling anxious, cats, like dogs, enjoy having something tasty to chew on.

Maintain a Set Schedule

Try to maintain as much of a regular schedule as possible with your pet even if you are going through significant life changes such as beginning at a new company, starting to work remotely, moving houses, or anything else out of the ordinary.

To alleviate your pet’s anxiety and fulfill their need for routine, try keeping their meal times similar daily, taking them for a stroll or engaging them in some other form of play every day around the same time, and maintaining the same amount of quality bonding time each day. If they always do the same thing, day in and day out, they will have lower levels of anxiety. Whenever any of these activities are altered in any way, make sure the shifts are minor so that your dog or cat can quickly adjust to the new circumstances.

Quietly Depart

If you’ve spent the past 22 months working remotely thanks to Covid-19, and now it’s time to return to an office setting, it’s possible that your pet won’t take the sudden shift in the environment too well. In the days leading up to the day when you have to report back to work, try to sneak out of the house on multiple occasions while causing as little disturbance as you can. When you get back, make sure to give your pet some attention and some tasty treats. It’s possible that this won’t work for dogs who suffer from attachment issues; if you’re having problems with your pet in this regard, talk to your veterinarian or a behaviorist about what you can do.

Provide Your Pet With a Stimulating Mental Activity That Will Reward Them

Just like with people, providing a distraction that also presents a beneficial challenge can be helpful in de-stressing pets. A treat-dispensing puzzle toy or one that encourages “hunting” and playtime could be just the thing for both canine and feline companions. It will remove the stress triggers while at the same time exercising the sections of their brains that are related to gratification and reward.

Take a Stroll or Engage in Some Additional Play

Devote time and attention to building quality relationships with your pets. Set aside your phone and give your undivided attention to your pet while you take him for an extended walk each day. If you are more of a cat person and are dealing with a stressed-out feline, you can encourage play and companionship with a toy stick or a scratching pole by bringing your cat nearer to you for some cuddles. You can also encourage play and bonding with a laser pointer. It will not only exhaust them, but it will also significantly reduce the amount of nervousness they feel thanks to the delivery of the same feel-good hormones that you feel when you work out. Create a sense of significance and love for your pet by acting as their savior until they are ready to be yours once more.

Change the Focus of Your Cat’s Attention

If a cat is feeling anxious, it may scratch the furniture, or the drapes, or dig its claws into the rug in an attempt to relieve its stress. You can alleviate your cat’s stress and protect your tables and chairs by diverting their attention to a scratching pole, board, or toy designed specifically for cats.

To Conclude,  when you are going through significant life changes yourself, it can be challenging to notice the anxiety that your pets are experiencing. However, if you give your dog or cat the time, affection, and bonding they need, you may find that it helps alleviate your stress in the same way that it does theirs.