How riveting is that! Your new baby with four legs will be joining your family soon, and you need to make sure that you are ready for anything that may come your way. Your brand-new, tiny baby is going to feel a great deal of anxiety and will look to you to reassure them. You want your child to develop a sense of trust in you and to feel at ease in her new environment so that she can become an independent, devoted, and proud adult. Here are some helpful hints for you to consider. 

The Process of Proofing Your House

Look around the area where your new pet will be staying to identify any potentially harmful items that should be removed before they arrive. Keep in mind that this is a new environment for them and that they will want to investigate everywhere! Please take special note of the following potential dangers: 

  • Remove potentially toxic plants. 
  • Put all medications and supplies for cleaning in a cabinet that has a lock on it. 
  • Keep the lids on the trash cans or place them high enough that they are inaccessible to the public. 
  • To reduce the risk of someone drowning, ensure that toilet lids are securely fastened and that baths and basins are empty. 
  • You can hide electrical cords by winding them around spiral cable wraps, using cord concealers, or even running them through PVC pipes. Chewing on the wire will no longer be an option, which will reduce the likelihood of electrocution. 
  • Maintain a closed door and window position. Check that they are properly repaired and properly fastened to ensure that your baby will not be able to slip through or getaway. 

Always Make Sure That Your Swimming Pool is Properly Covered

These are just a few suggestions, but you will need to keep a close eye on your new kitten or puppy the vast majority of the time – especially for the first few months – until they have nicely adjusted to their new environment and understand what behaviors are acceptable and which behaviors are not acceptable. It’s the same as if a toddler were running around, discovering new things, and engaging in activities that could endanger them. But we can’t think of a better reason to spend even more time with your new fluffy friend. 

The Long-awaited Arrival of Your Little One Has Finally Come. What Shall We Do Now? 

Take Your Pet to the Vet

The most important thing to do You should still take your new addition to your veterinarian to get her checked out, even if she was adopted out as a healthy puppy or kitten to another family. If you are accountable for the initial treatments, such as vaccinations, deworming medication, and microchipping, the time to get them done is now. A pet that has been adopted or rescued will already have these things done to them. 

You will be given a vaccination card, which you are required to carry with you at all times whenever you travel. Check to see that they have the most recent vaccinations at all times. It is essential to have your new pet microchipped as soon as possible. There are a lot of cats and dogs that get lost or stolen, and the best way for your pet to have a chance of being returned to you safely if she winds up at the SPCA, a shelter, or a veterinarian is to have a microchip implanted in her. 

Take advantage of this opportunity to ask the veterinarian for recommendations on what kind of food is best for your new puppy or kitten, how often it should be fed, and when you should bring them back for its next round of immunizations and dewormer. 

Returning for the very first time to their childhood home 

You and your new cat or dog will have no idea what to expect from one another on that first day in your own home together. It’s possible to feel very terrified. Your brand-new companion animal has only just met you, and now it will be exposed to a completely different, unfamiliar, and expansive environment. Regardless of whether you got your new baby from a breeder or a shelter, she will look to you for protection whenever she is anxious or homesick for her mother or the other animals in the shelter. Take things slowly and carefully as you introduce her to everything. Get on your hands and knees and try to see things from her perspective. 

Assist her in adjusting to her brand-new bed, and ensure that she always has access to food and water in the same location each day. She will develop a sense of security as a result of the routine and consistency. She will, as time goes on, become accustomed to the layout of each area of the house. 

Following the introduction of your child to her new environment, it is time for her to become acquainted with her new neighbors. Take care of each individual in turn. You can either have the other person sit or stand while your baby approaches them. It might be too much for you to handle if a stranger came up to your new pet. She will engage when she is ready, and she will receive a boost to her confidence with each meaningful interaction that she has. 

After your infant has become acquainted with all of the people, you can then introduce him or her to the other animals. Please read our article for information on how to accomplish this appropriately. 

The first night with your new puppy or kitten 

What a momentous occasion! The poor little thing will be worn out after getting acquainted with her new surroundings, including her new home, family members, and pets. Your child will also spend a lot of time sleeping, just like babies do, so it is essential that she feels secure while she is dozing off. She will find the familiarity and security of being in your company more appealing, and she won’t enjoy being apart from you. Because she will have spent her entire life up to this point in the company of other animals, whether in a shelter or a litter, she may experience feelings of anxiety or loneliness during her first night in her new home. 

Give your puppy something to cuddle with, preferably a nice big and plush teddy bear, and make sure to keep her company as she drifts off to sleep. If she appears to be anxious, reassure her repeatedly. Kittens are more daring than puppies and will most likely sleep close to or on top of their humans. 

The difficulties associated with toilet training 

Your new puppy will presumably start to make a few little messes in the house as soon as she gets there, so get used to cleaning up after her. In addition, house training can begin right away, so read up on how to house train your puppy and how to train your kitten to use the litter box. 

Keep in mind that training in a secure house can only ever be done constructively. Be patient and consistent in your actions. Keep your precious kitten’s litter box clean by doing so regularly. 


New games and toys are always exciting for both puppies and kittens. They will start teething soon, at which point they may eventually wind up chewing on anything that they can get their teeth into, including furniture, shoes, plants, and so on. The provision of toys and the participation in gameplay with them will keep them occupied and cause them to become tired more rapidly. It is my sincere hope that this will assist you in preserving some of the items in your home. 

Loud scary sounds 

Your young child may find both thunderstorms and fireworks to be extremely frightening. It is only natural for your pet to feel afraid, and her instinct to survive will cause her to want to flee the situation. The world is perceived by canines and felines primarily through their senses of smell, vision, and hearing. The following are some pointers that can assist both you and your pet during this trying time. 


Have a room in your home where the noise isn’t as intense, such as the television room, where they can watch television or listen to the radio to keep their minds off the noise. 

Make sure they have a soft place to lay their head and that they are not too far away from you or a friend. The safest place for a cat to hide is inside a cabinet or another enclosed area. Ensure that these areas are always accessible for your animal companions. This way, you will never be confused about where to look for them. 


Getting your pet used to the loud noises that will be around during these times is the best way to ensure that they will be okay. However, you should keep trying even though it may take up to three or four months. Play some ambient noises of fireworks explosions and thunderstorms while gradually turning up the volume. If you have an easily frightened pet, please consult a behaviorist or your trusted veterinarian for assistance. 


Some animals simply aren’t able to handle the noise of fireworks, and if they try to flee, they put themselves in danger by injuring themselves. If you are aware that there will be thunder and lightning or fireworks, you should consult your local veterinarian about how to sedate your pet safely. Your veterinarian will be able to determine the appropriate dosage for your pet based on their size and overall health. 


Reassure your infant in a cool and collected tone of voice whenever there are loud noises like fireworks or thunderstorms. Your pets are susceptible to your feelings, so making an effort to relax will also help them feel more at ease. Your infant will be relieved to discover that he was able to retreat to a secure location once the last of the loud noises has subsided. 

Have Your Children Sterilized

When your infant is six months old, she will have reached sexual maturity and will be able to reproduce on her own. Do not let things come to that point; now is an excellent time to have your pet spayed or neutered. It is recommended by veterinarians that you spay your pet before she goes into heat. Not only is this better for her health, but it also helps prevent specific cancers and keeps pets from wandering around the neighborhood. 

Because some irresponsible pet owners chose not to have their animals spayed or neutered, there are a great number of cats and dogs that are currently without homes. If you want to be one of the responsible people, you should have your pet spayed or neutered before the first accidental litter is born. 

Participating in Group Activities is the Best Way to Form a Bond With Your Dog

Dogs are extremely social creatures and adore participating in a variety of games. By doing so, you and your new puppy will develop a bond that will last for the rest of your lives together. Your dog will have a higher level of trust in you and will take pleasure in being in your company.

It is also the ideal time to expose your puppy to other canines so that she can learn how to interact with those who are different from her. Outings and park days will be more enjoyable for everyone if socialization is encouraged, as it reduces the risk of behaviors such as being territorial, aggressive, or scared. 

In addition to helping your youngster become more socialized and teaching her manners between her canine peers, sending her to puppy school is an excellent way for her to learn basic commands and training. 

Unconditional Love

You are the one who decided to get a new puppy or kitten, and as a result, you must provide her with food, water, and a safe place to sleep for the rest of her life. The most important thing you can do for her is to shower her with love, love, and even more love. She will give it back to you without conditions because her sole objective in life is to adore you in return. She will be the first person to welcome you, and she’ll be there before anyone else is! Our animals forgive, forget, and ALWAYS love. Protect them, and know that you are your pet’s greatest savior.