Dogs Aged Eight Years and Up Are Considered Senior Dogs

There isn’t one set age at which a dog enters their senior years; rather, it varies according to breed and size. Dogs of smaller dogs, such as Chihuahuas, reach senior status at the age of ten to eleven years old, whereas dogs of larger breeds, such as Great Danes, reach this status at the age of five to six years old. 

Feeding Older Dogs

Many senior dogs are unable to keep their weight at the ideal level for their body type and level of activity. More active dogs may require food with a higher caloric content or a better flavor to encourage them to eat, whereas older dogs that lead a more unhealthy life might have to avoid putting on weight. 

It doesn’t matter what stage of life your dog is in, being underweight or overweight isn’t preferred for his or her health. However, just like people, bulky and obese dogs are at a greater risk for developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Inquire with your dog’s vet about the appropriate time to transition your pet over to a senior eating plan, and inquire about any medicinal formulas that might assist in the management of geriatric conditions that are typical in older dogs. 

Feeding your elderly dog high-quality senior food that contains actual meat as well as other sources of protein can assist him in retaining his toned muscles. If your older dog struggles with joint conditions like arthritis or hip dysplasia, supplementing with antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine, and chondroitin sulfate can directly facilitate his joints. 

Urinary problems, such as infections of the urinary tract and kidney problems, are very common in older dogs. You may experience more mishaps due to urinary retention, in addition to strained urination; however, both of these symptoms, once evaluated by your veterinarian, may be alleviated by modifying your diet or taking medication. Take note of any shifts in your dog’s appetite as well as the amount of water he drinks. 

Mouth Disease

Extreme bad breath, salivating, inflamed gums, and loose teeth may show up in older dogs, particularly if they haven’t gained from routine dental hygiene.   Visit your vet as soon as possible to get any oral problems treated and to get a head start on your pet’s routine care. 

Changing Your Vision

Is your nice old boy running into stuff? Slipping more? Does he appear to have hazy eyes? Cataracts are early indicators of vision problems that make your dog’s eyes appear as though they are encased in a white film. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult your veterinarian immediately. Other indicators of loss of vision include colliding with objects, losing your balance, having pupils that are larger than normal, and having eyes that are red or irritated. 

Aging dogs typically experience a gradual loss of vision. It is also common for older dogs to develop “cloudy eyes,” a condition that does not impair their vision in the same way that cataracts do. You must consult your vet to differentiate between conditions and to exclude the possibility of any other eye diseases or disorders. Your veterinarian will also be able to instruct you on how to assist your dog in coping with impaired vision. The skin and coat of older dogs are more likely to develop issues such as dryness, itchy skin, loss of hair, sores, inflammation, and lumps. Alterations in diet might be helpful, but you should always consult your vet before attempting to treat these problems at home. 


It’s common for these to appear on the elbows of senior dogs of large breeds who are less energetic and who lay down on firm surfaces. Calluses can become a painful and annoying nuisance, but this problem can be avoided by inviting them to use their cozy dog bed or purchasing a new bed that has orthopedic support. 


Problems with the paws Senior dogs typically have more brittle nails, so exercise caution when clipping them. In addition to this, your mature dog’s footpads may become thicker as they age. Since elderly, less mobile dogs are less inclined to wear down their nails by running around the house, it is advisable to have more “pawdicures” done to keep up with their nail maintenance. 

Cancer In Elderly Dogs

Cancer, specifically canine cancer, is the leading cause of death in domestic animals due to disease. Because their body systems become more compromised with age, older dogs are particularly susceptible to disease because they are unable to ward off illness as effectively as they did when they were younger.  Always consult your dog’s veterinarian if you discover any lumps or bumps on your pet, especially if they get bigger, transform, or feel different in any way. Other possible warning signs of cancer in pets include the following: 

  • Appetite and the reduction of body fat 
  • Wounds that are making slow but steady progress 
  • Experiencing bleeding from the eye, nose, or ear 
  • Excessive drooling, hacking and gasping for air 
  • Extreme fatigue, lethargy 

Medicating Older Dogs and Cats

You may need to give your dog medications that were prescribed by the veterinarian at home now that he has reached a certain age. Even though they appear to be able to consume anything, many dogs are wary of pills that have an odd appearance and possibly have an off-putting odor. This is especially true for larger capsules. The following is a list of hints and suggestions that can be used to coax senior dogs into “taking their medicine.” 

  • Always opt for chewable, flavored forms of your medication if possible
  • Combine your dog’s medication with his food. As long as your dog does not have an allergy to nuts or dairy products, you can hide the medication inside canned food or soft food such as peanut butter or a tiny portion of cheese. It also works well to use ground chicken or beef cut into small cubes. 
  • You should start by giving your dog food and treats that do not contain any medication before you introduce him to food that does contain the pill. You should then give him regular treatment immediately after the medicated treatment so that he does not even taste or sense the medication. 
  • You can track your dog in the same way if he enjoys catching his treats, and you can toss him some medication-laced food even before he realizes what’s happening. 
  • If you are unable to coax your sagacious old dog into taking his medication, you may have to pry open his lower jaw with the hand that contains the pill, while holding your other hand on his upper jaw and hoisting his head toward the ceiling. If you are successful in this endeavor, you will have accomplished your goal. 
  • When his mouth opens, rotate your palm to put the pill on the edge of your dog’s tongue as far back as you possibly can, and then quickly remove your hand as you shut his jaw. Once his mouth is closed, he should be fine. 
  • Holding his jaws together and gently massaging his throat in a downward motion will assist him in swallowing. Make sure his nose is pointed up toward the ceiling. After you’ve observed your dog swallowing, encourage him to do it again by rewarding him with one of his favorite treats. 

It’s Not Hard at All

You should make it easier for your senior dog to move around, especially if he suffers from the pain of arthritis or has vision problems and is unable to move as quickly as he used to. Put his dog’s necessities on the ground floor, such as his food, water bowl, toys, and bed, so that neither of you has to worry about the stairs. Maintain a bright light in this area so that he does not have any trouble finding his food and water. 

You should also consider turning on lamps that are close to the furniture and other items that your dog frequently knocks over. It is in your dog’s best interest to be able to easily maneuver open spaces, so it is occasionally best to move furniture and precious objects to the room’s perimeter. In addition, consider using carpet runners on high-traffic floors to assist in preventing your senior dog from slipping. 

An Enticing Bed 

When it comes to your senior dog’s bed, now is not the time to cut corners; after all, he has worked hard and deserves a cozy spot to rest his worn-out head. When it comes to protecting his bones from the hard floor, the more cushion he has, the better. Make sure that the area of the house where your dog sleeps is relatively peaceful so that he is not disturbed while he is dozing off. 

Ramp It Up

If you live in a house with multiple levels, ramps can make it easier for your senior dog to access the stairways and any dog-friendly furniture. In addition, ramps help assist senior dogs in entering and exiting the family car, which is required for trips to the vet. 

“Seniorcise” Refers to the Practice of Keeping Senior Dogs Active

It doesn’t matter how old your dog is; it’s important to keep him engaged in activities that are appropriate for his age, particularly in his senior years, so that he can keep both his body and his mind active. 

Always check with your dog’s veterinarian to determine the appropriate amount of physical activity for your mature dog, taking into account his current state of health and body condition. Even if they are unable to run and jump anymore, dogs still need and love to go for walks; you can always cut your daily walks shorter or take a slower pace. Regardless of the type of physical exercise, you should always monitor your dog closely for any signs of exhaustion or pain and give them regular breaks as required.